About Beth
Things to know about me:
- God is everything to me.
- My husband is awesome.
- My family and friends are super important to my little heart.
- I am an awkward person. When I can’t think of anything to say in conversation, I will just look at you and smile.
- I am a grilled cheese connoisseur.
- I will eat candy corn till I puke.
- I once mistook a giant rock for a sheep.
- I consider any size spider my arch-nemesis.
- My husband wants to raise a baby deer. I am afraid our dog Daisy will eat it.
- Like Buddy the Elf, smiling’s my favorite.
I aspire to:
- Please God with the rest of my life. In the big and small stuff.
- Tell a joke without forgetting or ruining the punch line.
- Learn to play the bass guitar.
- Tone down my loud-laugh.
- Learn to weld so I can make sweet metal sculptures.
- Become proficient with a bow and arrow. But only for the sake of being proficient at it, not for killing anything.
- Grow my hair long enough to re-create some of Princess Leia’s hairstyles.
- Make the people around me laugh on a regular basis.
- Drink black coffee and like it.
- Visit at least one cool place in all 50 states with my husband.