About the Book
If you’ve been around the religious block a time or two, you have inevitably heard the following saying: “God told me to ______ (insert any number of possibilities here).” I’ve definitely done my share of internal eye rollage upon hearing that phrase uttered. However, I am now forced to eat a slice of humble pie, for on April Fool’s Day 2009, I too felt God “instruct me” to do something. I was so compelled to obey Him that I quit a successful real estate career in order to write full-time (having zero background in composing written words and very much needing my income in order to survive).
So what, you ask, did I write about? My despair—a silent, yet constant companion—was brought to light after finishing the Twilight series (of all things). I feel certain that God longs to replace my despair with something beyond my comprehension. And this book I titled Let Me Fall is the beginning of my epic journey…
What’s that? You want to know why in the world you should give my story the time of day? Well you really shouldn’t. Let Me Fall is certainly not prescriptive; it’s not some sort of self-help book. It will not help you accumulate wealth (you will in fact, be parting with money in order to purchase it). So, it’s probably not for you. Unless…either A. You are already my friend, and therefore expected to read it, or B. You have ever felt the horrific ache of despair. In the event that you fall into the latter category, my hope is that through reading my story, God would compel you to fall in love with Him. Or fall more in love with Him. You never know…He may just blow your mind.
Let Me Fall: The Love Story Between God and His Dimwitted Daughter released April Fool’s Day 2013. It is available to purchase on the home page of this site or through Amazon.
P.S. If you’d like to read a little more, check out my Inaugural Address.