Voyages of a Babygrower: Oh the Changes!
Alien Turtle: the Pensinger frontier.
These are the voyages of the Babygrower Pensinger. Her nine-month mission: to explore strange new levels of emotional instability; to seek out larger pant sizes and fried chicken; to boldly go where no Beth Pensinger has gone before.
Beth’s Log: Babydate, 25-ish weeks.
JP says I’ve become a snorer. Paybacks are heck, aren’t they babe?
Didn’t realize until a friend asked, but can no longer see my feet. Awkward.
JP and I are officially preppers. Astounding how one tiny alien turtle can cause upheaval on a whole-house level.
While we haven’t yet agreed upon a name, we both conceded these shoes were too adorable to pass up.
January 7, 2014 8 Comments