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British Invasion, Episode 2

So far, my favorite thing about England is the people I’ve met. A-m-a-z-i-n-g. They have huge hearts (figuratively speaking) and are always ready to have fun. Seriously, when I’m with them, I have no shot in Hades of toning down my loud laugh.

A few of the Revolution peeps.

Revolution peeps

more Revolution peeps

Our British Dad & Mum – Clive & Helen

British Mum & Dad

I’ve learned that saying “crap” is a bit worse here and promptly spoke it while praying for my new friend. Crap. (She took it rather well.) Erin and I have cracked up about Lollipop Ladies and prams (I will be pushing a pram in about six months) while our new friends tried to fathom what grits are. We’ve been invited to tea, (a.k.a. dinner) which is very different from afternoon tea (the kind where you stick out your pinky finger and eat mini-sandwiches).

Well … I would share more but I’m afraid Erin and I must be about the business of touring London today. Until next time!

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October 8, 2013  2 Comments

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