Voyages of a Babygrower: And We’re Having …
Alien Turtle: the Pensinger frontier.
These are the voyages of the Babygrower Pensinger. Her nine-month mission: to explore strange new levels of emotional instability; to seek out larger pant sizes and fried chicken; to boldly go where no Beth Pensinger has gone before.
Beth’s Log: Babydate, 21-ish weeks.
Gag every time hands brush over newly-developing outie (belly button and I have never been on speaking terms). Still haven’t mastered the art of peeing in a cup.
Definitely feeling Alien Turtle thrash about. Yesterday, found out Alien Turtle is technically a …
Just hoping she won’t be bald forever.
For those of you struggling, I’ll put it in plain terms. Jerimiah and I are having a girl. 🙂
December 6, 2013 16 Comments