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Still Infiltrating

Good news! Phase Two: Infiltration is a hair over halfway complete! Yay!

Still going ...

Let Me Fall still needs to reach 24 more states. Here’s a list of the states it’s not in yet:

Arizona Connecticut
NevadaNew Jersey
New MexicoNorth Dakota
OregonRhode Island
South DakotaUtah

Those dang Dakotas! So, here’s an opportunity for you to help me help you help me. In addition to having your name entered to win the $50 Amazon gift card, I will send a $5 Amazon gift card to the next five people who purchase a gift book for someone in one of the states listed above. Now that might not sound like much, but it isn’t. It will at least buy you a digital book or one. You’ll have to either leave a comment telling me you ordered one through Amazon or purchase it through my website (and have the option for a free gift wrap).

Thank you for all your help so far. I truly appreciate it. I appreciate you too! 🙂

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August 22, 2013  2 Comments

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