Deja Vu
My Aunt Lynda passed away last December. The pain of my family’s loss is still sharp.
Among other things, Lynda was a listener. When she asked you something, she really cared about your answer. She was also one of the greatest encouragers and prayer warriors I knew.
While I was at a writer’s conference this past May, I was part of a non-fiction practicum. The first time I heard Carol Ann speak up in our small group, I was floored. The sound of her voice and manner of speech made me feel my aunt was in the room. I liked her instantly.
The last morning of the conference rolled around and everyone was saying their goodbyes. I hugged Carol Ann. Slightly embarrassed over a rush of emotions, I told her about her uncanny resemblance to my aunt.
It turns out Carol Ann shares more with Aunt Lynda than vocal tone and inflection. She’s also a listener, and an excellent encourager and prayer warrior. I am happy to know and love two women as great as these.
Posted in Inner Monologue and tagged aunt, deja vu, encourage, listen. on July 27, 2012.
YOU made me CRY again today. I know you still miss your sweet, sweet aunt. I am so sorry she is lost to you but so thankful it is only for a season. I am humbled to have any resemblance to her at all. <3
I am so thankful that Carol Anne came into your life to take up the role of listener, prayer warrior, and to encourage you, Beth. She sounds like a special lady – bless you, Carol Anne. And yes, we still miss your Aunt Lynda. Beautiful blog, Beth.
I’ve recently met Carol Anne on Facebook. I so enjoy her sense of humor and her openness.
I’m happy to be growing a circle of writer friends who are warm, caring and encouraging.
So happy we met!
Shoot, I had one more thing to say.
So happy we met, all three of us!
There you go. I’m finished.
I am too! The three of us need to get together.