I’d be a Cad if I Didn’t
Maybe it’s residual guilt over not sending them out after my wedding. (Surely you remember my confession.) Maybe I wanted to show off my uber cool black and white polka dot tape. Or maybe, just maybe, I genuinely wanted to say these two little words to you:
Thank you to the 49 readers who’ve left an Amazon review. This may sound corny, but I treasure your words. And I’ve heard of a few people who bought Let Me Fall simply because of your feedback.
Thank you to everyone who has purchased Let Me Fall and taken the time to read it. Thank you for telling your friends and family about it. Thank you for the bulk orders. Thank you for the opportunities to speak about the journey Let Me Fall has taken me on. Thank you for your whispers of encouragement, seemingly at the very moments I needed them most.
Just thank you.
P.S. If you liked Let Me Fall and haven’t done so yet, would you consider leaving a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads? I’m adding a preemptive “thank you” just in case. 🙂
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