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I’ve heard horror stories about them. Evil mothers-in-law. E-MOL for short. It’s rumored that these selfish creatures can level a daughter-in-law’s peaceful dwelling with a single, pernicious glance. Using the oft still-attached umbilical cord, E-MOL’s have been known to encourage their sons to disavow their wives altogether; trading a potentially happy marriage for eternal servitude to mommy. The mythical Super-E-MOL can turn her grandchildren into sniveling, whiny brats who must undergo detox for the entire week after her departure.

Thankfully, I have a G-MOL. Good mother-in-law. Actually…great mother-in-law. And today is her birthday.

This single mom sacrificed much for the sake of her three children. And her fiercely protective brood is a testimony to her selflessness.

She is loving and kind and generous to a fault. From day one, she accepted the shy wallflower who married her eldest son. She granted me freedom to step into the position of being her son’s wife and has never abused her mom-power. She treats me and her other children-in-law as beloved members of her family. I am grateful for her eagerness to laugh and share life with us. And though mine will always be inferior, I appreciate her willful sharing of secrets for cube-steak and lasagna.

She is awesome and I love her very much!

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  1. mom

    Thank you. That was a tear-jerker. I love you so much, and am grateful you are my daughter…..

    • beth

      Thank you!! 🙂

  2. Jerimiah

    Great blog honey. My Mom is my hero. And no, I’m sorry, her lasagna is still better. 🙂

    • beth

      As it should be!!

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