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S-Stammering Speechification, Part 2

This is the second of a two-part recap of a recent interview. If you’d like to catch up, you can find part one here.

KRISTI: I’m a runner, so I love the part in your book where you talk about running without glasses or contacts and feeling freedom in that. Explain how that relates to our relationship with God.

ME: Well here’s a little back story: One night, I was determined to jog with my dog Daisy. But I couldn’t get my contacts in and I discovered that it was too hot and humid to run with my glasses on. So I decided to take them off and run blind around my neighborhood with my headphones in. I guess that technically made me blind and deaf.
The experience helped me realize something about my relationship with God. I have a pair of spiritual glasses. These lenses consist of my church upbringing, beliefs I’ve formulated based off of intelligent people I respect, and internal fears/hopes. They provide me with a measure of clarity pertaining to all things God-related. The glasses are a good and needed thing, but they were keeping me from actually experiencing Him. Which begged the question: What would happen if I remove them every now and then?
Back in reality, my blind jog started out as a very frightening experience. From a distance, every mailbox looked like a potential stalker. But then…I started to enjoy it. I felt the rhythm of my stride. I got caught up in the night and in the music pulsing in my ears. It was exhilarating. So in the spiritual realm and pertaining to my experience with God, I don’t think I should expect any less!

KRISTI: In the last chapter, you talk about how you were often bored as a youth and even as an adult. Do you think boredom is a problem among marriages today; often leading to affairs and divorce?

ME: I do. I think it blindsides us. Because life can be tedious; so can marriage. But we’re more prepared for conflict then we are for the monster known as boredom. It’s like going to the gym. You might be a member of the most elite gym with the best equipment and top notch instructors, but there will come a point when the routine of going and having to work really hard is the last thing on earth you want to do.

KRISTI: You talk about adventure in your book. What’s your definition of adventure? In your opinion, is there a need for adventure in every man and woman?

ME: I think God builds the need for adventure into every human heart. My short definition of adventure is living a life that is completely obedient to God. Sometimes the path He leads you on is full of fear and discomfort and other times it’s thrilling. But I don’t think it’s ever without risk.

KRISTI: What’s your advice to these couples after having gone through this adventure of writing a book for the first time?

ME: I think that falling in love with God is the missing link between being a “Christian” and being a “Radical, sold-out Christ Follower.” I mean, we’re only willing to lay down our lives for someone we love. And we can’t expect to fall in love with God by accident or by osmosis. My advice is to be intentional about falling in love with Him. And plan on doing so for the rest of your life. He is so much more than I ever dreamed He would be! He’s flippin hilarious for one. I wasn’t prepared for that! Falling in love with God is getting to actually experience all the trite and overly-used Christian phrases. I don’t necessarily want to start saying those phrases, but it’s nice to understand what the hype is all about.

I guess I’ll end with this: My story isn’t a formula for falling in love with our Creator, but I would love for it to be a catalyst.

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  1. Debbie S. Richardson

    So YOU…..the Beth I know…..

    “My story isn’t a formula for falling in love with our Creator, but I would love for it to be a catalyst.”

  2. Carolyn Trucano

    Well spoken . . . we should all seek to be a catalyst for others around us who are “reading our lives”.

  3. Just discovered your blog, and I am loving it! Awesome design and super cool content!

    • beth

      And I just discovered yours and feel the same! Thank you for the encouragement. I look forward to reading more of your posts 🙂

  4. Sarah S

    I love everything about this..

    “I think that falling in love with God is the missing link between being a “Christian” and being a “Radical, sold-out Christ Follower.” I mean, we’re only willing to lay down our lives for someone we love. And we can’t expect to fall in love with God by accident or by osmosis. My advice is to be intentional about falling in love with Him. And plan on doing so for the rest of your life. He is so much more than I ever dreamed He would be! He’s flippin hilarious for one. I wasn’t prepared for that! Falling in love with God is getting to actually experience all the trite and overly-used Christian phrases. I don’t necessarily want to start saying those phrases, but it’s nice to understand what the hype is all about.”

    So looking forward to Beth’s book!!!

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