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10 Things

The hubs & I are on a late anniversary trip in Asheville, NC. So, I’ve decided to post 10 things I like/appreciate/love about my best friend.

1. When he wears white t-shirts.
2. When he dances to music in the car. Or dances period.
3. His ability to carry on a meaningful conversation with just about anyone, even seemingly pretentious people.
4. He’s not afraid to ask me for directions.
5. Scared of heights he may be, but push his internal envelope he will.

6. When he fills our house with music from his piano. (This is for a limited time only, so I’m enjoying it while it lasts.)
7. That he can read up on something and then turn around and do it. Think less along the lines of synchronized swimming and more along those of woodworking.
8. He makes me feel safe.
9. He thinks I’m cute when I’m angry.
10. The serenade of his laugh.

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  1. Loved this post, Beth! I’m looking forward to meeting your sweet hubby!

    • beth

      Aww thanks! We’re looking forward to it too. 🙂

  2. Joe

    When I read #5 I hear it in Yoda’s voice. Nice list though.

    • beth

      Would you believe me if I told you I was thinking that very thought when I wrote it?

  3. Carolyn Trucano

    I admire most his ability to do #7. But I am most grateful for his ability to made you feel safe – particularly in the aforementioned high places (#5). Joe nailed it.

    • beth

      Thanks Mom! 🙂

  4. Love your list. Safe is a good place to be. Hope your Asheville trip is the funnest ever.

    • beth

      Thanks Kim! 🙂

  5. Oh, I’m glad you cleared up #7. I was definitely thinking synchronized swimming. 😉

    #9 applies to my husband too. And at the time, it makes me want to kick him.

    • beth

      I knew you would be thinking that. 🙂
      Yes, I do understand the desire for violence. Because–dang it–I wanted to stay angry!

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